
What Causes Lower Abdominal Pain in Females

young lady suffering from abdominal pain

Lower abdominal pain (LAP) is one of the most common complaints in females. While the reasons for LAP are still unknown, there are several potential causes. Some of the most common causes include pregnancy, menopause, liver or gallbladder problems, ovarian cysts, and kidney stones.

In many cases, the cause of LAP is not clear. Yet it can often be treated with a combination of treatments including medication and physical therapy. This article will focus on the causes and associated symptoms of lower abdominal pain.

What Causes Lower Abdominal Pain in Females

Lower abdominal pain can be caused by a variety of things– from relatively harmless issues like gas and constipation to more serious conditions such as ovarian cysts and uterine cancer.

Many women experience occasional lower abdominal pain. However, if the pain is persistent or severe, it’s important to see a doctor. They will help you determine the cause and get appropriate treatment. Generally, causes may vary depending on where in the lower abdomen the pain is located.

What Causes Lower Central Abdominal Pain

There are many potential causes of lower central abdominal pain, some more serious than others. The most common causes are gastrointestinal issues, such as constipation, diarrhea, or an ulcer.

However, other potential causes include the following:


woman menstrual cycle

Cramps or discomfort during menstruation can be caused by the uterus contracting to shed its lining. This can lead to pain in the lower abdomen, as well as other symptoms such as nausea and diarrhea.

Urinary tract infection (UTI)

The urinary tract is the body’s filtering system for urine. If bacteria or other substances get into the urinary tract, it can cause a UTI. The most common symptoms of a UTI include lower abdominal pain and a burning sensation during urination.

Pelvic inflammatory disease

doctor checking patient for a possible Pelvic inflammatory disease

Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is an infection that affects the uterus and fallopian tubes. It is most often associated with sexually transmitted diseases, but can also develop without a sexually transmitted infection. Symptoms can include pain during or after sex, abnormal vaginal bleeding, and lower abdominal pain.

What Causes Lower Left Abdominal Pain

Lower left abdominal pain can be caused by many things, from a pulled muscle to a more serious problem like appendicitis. In most cases, the cause of the pain can be determined by doing a physical exam and asking questions about the person’s medical history. Sometimes additional tests are needed to determine the cause of the pain. Below are some factors causing lower abdominal pain

Gas (flatulence)

When gas accumulates in the intestines, it can press on the left side of the abdomen, causing pain. This is known as “intestinal distention.”

Polyps or diverticular disease

Polyps or diverticular disease are common causes of lower left abdominal pain. Polyps are small growths that can form on the inner wall of the colon. A diverticular disease, meanwhile, is a condition in which small pouches called diverticula form in the wall of the large intestine. Both of these conditions can cause inflammation and pain in the lower left abdomen.

What Causes Lower Right Abdominal Pain

There are many potential causes of lower right abdominal pain, some more serious than others. The most common causes are gas, constipation, and indigestion.

However, other causes include:


woman with appendicitis

Appendicitis is a condition that results in inflammation of the appendix. It is a small, worm-like structure that projects from the large intestine. The most common symptoms of appendicitis are abdominal pain and swelling. They typically occur in the lower right side of the abdomen.

Other symptoms can include nausea, vomiting, constipation, and diarrhea. If left untreated, appendicitis can lead to a rupture of the appendix, which can cause life-threatening complications.

Crohn’s disease

Crohn’s disease is a chronic inflammatory bowel disease that can cause lower right abdominal pain. The cause of Crohn’s disease is unknown, but it is thought to be related to genetics and the environment. The most common symptoms of Crohn’s disease are abdominal pain, diarrhea, and weight loss.

Ovarian cysts

Ovarian cysts symptoms

Ovarian cysts are common, benign (noncancerous) tumors that form on or in the ovary. They are usually round or oval and filled with fluid or semisolid material. Ovarian cysts can cause lower right abdominal pain when they grow large enough to press against other organs in the abdomen or to twist the ovary, cutting off its blood supply. This can cause the cyst to rupture, releasing its contents into the abdomen and causing severe pain.

What Causes General Lower Abdominal Pain

The cause of general lower abdominal pain can be difficult to determine. It could be caused by a variety of issues, from a urinary tract infection to ovarian cancer. In many cases, the pain is not associated with any specific disorder and can be difficult to diagnose.

Here are some of the most common causes of general lower abdominal pain:

Muscular pain

Muscles in the abdomen can spasm, leading to pain. In some cases, the pain may be due to a problem with one of the organs in the abdomen, such as the appendix or the liver. However, in many cases, the cause of the pain is not known.


pain in pregnancy

Pregnancy can cause general lower abdominal pain because the uterus is expanding and putting pressure on other organs in the abdomen. Additionally, the hormones associated with pregnancy can cause cramping in the lower abdomen.

Ectopic pregnancy

An ectopic pregnancy is a pregnancy that occurs outside of the uterus, typically in the fallopian tubes. This type of pregnancy can cause severe lower abdominal pain. The condition requires immediate medical care, as ectopic pregnancy can be life-threatening.

Final Thoughts

There are many potential causes of lower abdominal pain in females. While some causes may be more serious than others, it is important to seek medical attention if the pain is severe or persists for an extended period of time.

There are a variety of treatments available depending on the underlying cause. Hence, it is important to work with a healthcare professional for medical advice on the best course of action.

For serious and life threatening conditions requiring emergency treatment, contact Kingwood Emergency Room. Kingwood Emergency Room provides the highest level of healthcare in Kingwood and surrounding areas. Our physicians are committed to providing you with personalized care and attention.

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