
Accidental Poisoning: What to Do While Waiting for Help

Unattended girl child play quietly at bathroom with dangerous household chemicals

Glass cleaner, arsenic, glue, and bleach are clearly not edible. However, don’t assume that a 40-year-old can always discern the difference better than a toddler.

In recent years, there have been several poisoning cases involving adults in the United States. According to poison specialists, many adult poisonings are the consequence of people misusing or alliterating prescription medications.

Accidental product mismatches in the house, on the other hand, have been the most tragic and lethal occurrences of late.

Poison specialists can only provide advice on preventing all-too-easy mistakes, whether the reason is the current oppressive stress, the environmentally sound practice of recycling containers, or popular beverages that appear to glow in the dark.

This article explains what to do in the event of accidental poisoning, as well as poison safety tips.

When to suspect poisoning

Young woman with hands on stomach experience accidental poisoning

Many other illnesses, such as alcohol consumption and stroke, can cause similar symptoms to poison. Poisoning can cause a variety of symptoms, including:

  • Inflammation or redness of the lips and mouth
  • It smells like gasoline or paints thinner on the breath
  • Vomiting
  • Breathing difficulties
  • Drowsiness
  • Disorientation or another type of mental health problem

Empty pill bottles or packages, pill fragments, burns, stains, and off-putting scents are all signs that someone has been poisoned. A youngster may have ingested medicated patches or a button battery, so keep this in mind.

When to call for help

Do not wait to call for an ambulance if the sufferer has collapsed or stopped breathing.

A 24-hour poisons support line may be reached at 713-909-7997 if you suspect someone has come into contact with a toxin.

If someone is unconscious but breathing, put them in a recovery position to help them feel better.

Call for an ambulance if the person is unconscious and not breathing regularly. Initiate a cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR).

Certain types of poisoning can be treated with syrup of Ipecac.

First Aid Training - Food Poisoning. First aid course.

In the meanwhile, what can you do?

  • Inhaled – Bring the victim outside into some fresh air as quickly as possible. Tight garments around the neck should be loosened. If you’re indoors, open the doors and windows.

         Do not inhale any of the vapors. If highly hazardous or unknown poisoning chemicals are present, do not attempt to rescue an unconscious individual without a breathing device. You might end up being a victim.

  • In the eye – Drizzle water into your eyes for 10 to 15 minutes to flush out substances. The stream must flow all the way from one corner of your eye to another. Eye drops should not be used.
  • On the body – Neutralize the poison by cleaning exposed skin with plenty of warm, not hot, water. Remove any contaminated clothes.
  • Swallowed – If the person is awake, don’t force them to vomit. Brush teeth and swish water in the mouth as soon as possible. Preserve the product or medication container at a convenient location at all times.

How might poisonings be avoided?

Don’t allow yourself to get into this predicament. Preventive steps serving as protection from poison include the following:

  • Medicine is not candy. As much as possible, don’t entice your young children into taking their medication by labeling it candy. This might lead kids to take potentially harmful drugs on their own, putting their health at risk.
  • After you’ve finished using a toxic medication, be sure to put it away. Store it in a secure place. Even if it’s only for a short period, never leave medications or toxins out in the open.
  • Get rid of expired medications. Prescription and over-the-counter medicines that are no longer needed or expired should be disposed of properly. Toss them in the trash, but blend them with cat litter or coffee grinds first.
  • You should always read the packaging of any prescription medication you use. If you’re administering medicine to a youngster, be sure to read the instructions carefully. Beware of adverse effects.
  • The drug toxicity hazards should be taught to your children. Ensure your kids know not to touch or ingest any home chemicals or pesticides.
  • Ensure the lid is snug and secure before storing any medications, cleansers, household products, or chemicals.
  • Avoid combining chemicals. It is possible to create lethal mixtures of chemicals when they are mixed. The combination of bleach and ammonia, for example, can produce deadly fumes.
  • Keep dangerous substances locked away in a secure location. A tall cabinet or chamber with a child-resistant lock is ideal for storing cleaning products, insecticides, and medications.
  • All household goods should be stored in their original containers. Do not use bottles, cups, or other household objects often used for food to replace the original containers.

mother talks to her child - prevent from accidental poisoning

Call For Help Immediately

The best approach to be ready for a poisoning emergency is to save our poison helpline number: 713-909-7997 on your phone.

There is no guarantee that information on the internet is accurate or precise. In the event of poisoning, always seek medical attention from poison control centers.

Calls to KingwoodER are answered by doctors and nurses specializing in emergency medicine.

Depending on the severity of the poisoning, our nurses can advise you on whether or not you need to go to the emergency room (ER).

In fact, most home calls may be handled over the phone, sparing a trip to the emergency room.

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